On Saturday morning I had a random video chat with parents. Them folks crack me up.
Saturday evening I went to a whisky tasting with Isabelle. I was a bit hesitant at first since I don't really like whisky. When she asked me to go with her, she said that after the monthly wine tastings we were "professionals at sipping liquids and making über-intelligent comments". After that (and the fact that she had somehow gotten free tickets) I had to go. The event was called Whisky Live.

Side note...is mixing whisky with iced green tea an international thing or is it just something people in China do?
Anyway, we also watched a guy mixing different cocktails with whisky. He would mix up a drink and then choose someone from the audience to try it. So I made sure to make lots of eye contact with him and laugh at all his bartending jokes and sure enough when I raised my hand to try the Bobby Burns cocktail, I was picked. He noticed I was standing with someone (Isabelle) so instead of trying it and giving it back he said to bring it back into the audience and share with my friend. The drink was really refreshing and pretty tasty. He also made samples of mint juleps for everybody which were REALLY good. Although I'm not surprised I like those since I like mojitos...
After the demonstration was over, I went to give the glass back. The guy (Dean) said to wait around while he and his crew packed up and we could all chat. This was at 8pm, when the expo was over and everyone was leaving. How cool is that? It was like hanging out with the band after a concert. Ha! We waited for a bit and then went to hang out with Dean and the rest of the people who were there from Bacardi (who actually ones Dewars...I didn't know that). When someone brought around whisky cokes for all the presenters, he asked them to bring me and Isabelle each one too. We chatted about drinks and the expo and where we were all from. He's originally from Ireland but spent a lot of time in Australia. We also met Dean's friend (whose name was French and I have NO memory for French) who is waiting for his greencard so he can move to CA. After a bit even the presenters had to leave so we all headed out.
Judy, Isabelle and I left very much giggly and hungry. We walked to The Spot nearby and had a late dinner. Isabelle had a case of the hiccups on the way there and Judy kept thinking of more and more extravagent and ridiculous cures. Towards the end she was saying things like "You need to sniff a piece of pepper while you sprinke salt on your butt!" I nearly died laughing.
This week is another wine tasting at Enoteca. While the theme is usually a country (South Africa, Chile, France, etc) this week's theme is "chilled white wines". I am very excited. I prefer white wines and some nice chilled drinks sound wonderful considering how hot it's been getting. Today it was 95 degrees. I can't even think straight if it's over 90. Ugh.
I must get to correcting tests so I bid you all farewell for now!
Much love,
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