Friday I had a few webchats with friends who happened to be online when I was. I tried to tune my guitar because I had heard a new song I wanted to learn. As I was tuning, the G-string snapped with a loud *TWAANNG* and scared the bejeezus out of me. I didn't have a spare set of strings, so I was thoroughly bummed.
I completely overhauled my apartment (it was a huge mess) and made no bake cookies. Isabelle arrived and we proceeded to knit and watch SEVEN EPISODES of the L Word. Those are hour long episodes, folks. Yeesh. We stopped only to go have some dinner at Big Bamboo, then came back for wine and more L Word. She left around midnight and I crashed.
On Saturday my big excitement was going into Puxi to the music street and getting new strings. I got two sets because I don't ever want to have the urge to play and have something stupid, like a string breaking, being the reason I can't. I also got a new tuner which I LOVE. I can clip it onto the head of my guitar and it tunes it by the vibrations. Neat-o. I wandered around Puxi for a bit after that, then went back to my apartment.
I had all the fixings for an italian dinner (I was planning on hanging out with Zeno, but she had to go home for family reasons) so I decided to make myself a nice dinner on Saturday. I got fresh bread from the French bakery down the street. Made some garlic dipping sauce. Had carbonara pasta with steamed brocoli. Yum yum. I also watched "Bolt", which was a decent movie and made me miss my dogs.
Sunday I was stupid. I completely forgot that I had a ticket to go see The Chanticleer's concert*. I was about to take a shower and work on my lesson plan when I got a text message form Nicole asking when I was planning on "getting there". So I responded "getting where?". When she wrote back "the concert" I assumed she was talking about the MIDI music festival that she and Megan and Isabelle were thinking about going to. Then it dawned on me. I showered and dressed like a madwoman, then jumped into a cab. I made it there just on time.

Now I am back to worky-work. I am going to play "You're So Vain" in class today and have a discussion about vanity. I am trying to estimate exactly how long this exercise will take, cuz I don't think it will take up the whole class period.
Anyway, enough boring all of you.
Much love,
*Am I the only one that thinks that's cool? Chanticleer? As in the rooster from the Canterbury Tales? Anyone? No? Bah.**
**Chanticleer was also the name of the rooster in Rock-a-Doodle...that just occured to me now. Man, I haven't seen that movie in forever. Probably a good thing.
I saw this on postsecret and thought of you:
Yeah, I saw that.
I actually do the opposite of that.
I am teaching these kids up to the minute slang. I also warn them when the book uses slang that my grandparents used. :-P
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