Wednesday 15 April 2009

Knitting Update, Lucky Seven

I have been obsessed with knitting the past couple of days. (Yeah, ok, what's new...right?)

I'm not exactly sure what started it. I've been flying through some blanket squares since I realized I intended to finish all of them within the year and I only have two months left in the school year. Elysse also mentioned that she might be sending me Scottish wool. And the Spring 2009 Knitty went up recently. I've also been hugely distracted by the Yarn Harlot's blog for the last few days. It got so bad that I told myself I wouldn't even turn on my laptop today at work until I corrected at least 20 midterms. My newest dream is to start spinning my own yarn one day.

Every time I finish a blanket square there is always a tiny amount of yarn leftover. Too much for me to even consider throwing it away, but too little to do ANYTHING with. So I'm trying to be creative with ways to use it up. The first was making a scarf for my mother for Christmas out of all the scraps I had at that point. (I didn't take a picture of it, sorry.) The most recent thing I did was make a guitar strap. I did a similar pattern to the blanket and then felted it and sewed it into a tube. (That was my excitement for Easter, by the way) It's probably not strong enough to hold up the guitar by itself so my plan is to buy a cheap, plain guitar strap when I get home and cover it with this colorful tube.
Isn't it pretty? Yinglong (my guitar) said he liked it very much and wanted me to use it right away. I explained he would have to wait until I got a base strap to use. Then I realized I was talking to my guitar and made sure to leave my apartment and talk to real people.

Anyway, on to what you all actually want to see...the blanket squares!

This first square is made with yarn from Debbie Knapp.
This one is yarn from Alice G. over at Kamatics. This square gets bonus points because it is behaving and uploaded horizontal. Stupid blogspot, why do you keep rotating my pictures??
And the last finished one in this batch is from my Aunt Lynn.
I just have to knit about three more rows on the square that's on my needles right now (from Donna) and then I am moving on to Frank and Flo's yarn.


P.S. OMG I just discovered Wikiknitting! You may not hear from me for a few days...


Cori said...

COME TO MY COMMUNE AND BRING SHEEP!!! Also, help name the fox kit :) Although I fully intend to ignore everyone and name him something random!

Beth said...

Check out if you haven't already. It will be your new addiction :)