Elysse sent me a package of awesomeness. It included a pretty ring from Cyprus, Cadbury creme eggs, scotch whiskey, an awesome drawing, a stuffed haggis, hand spun wool and more!
Here are two of my favorite things in the package. First is this picture she drew of our characters from our school's medieval festival in 2007. We were sisters, but I was playing a woman dressing up as a man so she could be a soldier, so she called me her sbrother. Her name was Julia and mine was Joseph(ine). Tom is in the bottom of the picture all bruised and scratched up because we beat him up on the living chessboard. Just to show you how awesome Elysse is, here is a picture of the three of us that day just for comparison.She also sent me some hand spun wool (that still smells like SHEEP!). To all my knitter friends, if you have an idea for a good pattern with which to honor this fine wool, please let me know! Also, here is the video of me opening me the package (since Elysse specifically asked). Youtube has been blocked in China for a while so I posted it on facebook instead.
Anyway, thanks to Elysse/Julia and once I travel out to a super secret location and buy super secret gifts, your package will be put in the mail.
This journal is my way of keeping in contact with loved ones from home while I spend a year teaching English at the PingHe IB School in Shanghai China. I'll also be posting knitting updates on my project: a blanket. Each square is knitted using a skein of yarn given to me as a present by a friend or family member. **UPDATE: I signed another contract so it looks like I will be here until at least June 2010.**
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