Isn't is adorable? It's four of the mini oranges that my co-worker gave me plus the normal sized orange I got for lunch yesterday. I currently have them stacked up like a snowman. A citrusy orange snowman.
lol that's adorable and it is also adorable your mom is reading my blog :) YAYYYY PACKAGEE!!!! I'm so exciting for my china stuff! Say hi to the orange family for me!
This journal is my way of keeping in contact with loved ones from home while I spend a year teaching English at the PingHe IB School in Shanghai China. I'll also be posting knitting updates on my project: a blanket. Each square is knitted using a skein of yarn given to me as a present by a friend or family member. **UPDATE: I signed another contract so it looks like I will be here until at least June 2010.**
lol that's adorable and it is also adorable your mom is reading my blog :) YAYYYY PACKAGEE!!!! I'm so exciting for my china stuff! Say hi to the orange family for me!
The oranges are adorable. Also it has been far too long since you updated, what am I supposed to do to procrastinate??
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