Last night I finished my example shield/heraldry/crest. Here it is:

I've had a mix of super interested and totally apathetic students with the medieval stuff. I suppose that's the best I could ask for. I talked to one class today about doing other medieval stuff: making clothes or food and learning to sword fight, etc. They seemed to respond well. They suggested making a video instead of doing a live performance. I thought that was a good idea.
Today I got some fun reactions when I talked about different jobs in medieval times. When I talked about being a jester, I put on a jester hat I bought at Carrefour and juggled for them. Some students laughed, some gasped. For one class I left the hat on for the whole class and jingled my hat at them when they weren't paying attention. I tried to teach one brave student in each class the juggling basics.
Last night I finally went back to practice taichi. The man who was teaching me scolded me for not practicing everyday after I had some trouble remembering parts of the form. Charlotte expressed interest in joining me. Hopefully she'll be able to come tomorrow.
Today I wrote up the writing midterm for grade ten. Writing tests is so weird for me. I still don't feel like a teacher, even after being here for two months.
Today I spilled my entire bowl of soup on my pants. NOT COOL. Luckily I live on campus so once I finished eating I went back and changed into another pair of jeans.
Anyway, I need to find some jousting videos online for classes later this week. This afternoon I am doing pubsongs in class. Wish me luck and participating students!
Fare thee well,
Lady Stephanie
Hi Stephie!!
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