There is an old Chinese belief with food. You eat the part of the animal that you want to improve in yourself. If you want to be a better thinker, you eat brains. If you want to have better eyesight, you eat eyes. So on and so forth. (I know there was a similar way of thinking in some places in Europe way back when that foods that looked like body parts would good for that part. Ex: Walnuts for brains).
So what would be a good thing for a new teacher to eat? Here is a clue:

Can you guess? Here's another hint...I'll need to TALK a lot.

If you guessed tongue, you're right! Duck tongue, specifically. They were handing them out at the first meeting for the high school teachers today. After waiting for someone else to eat one and then asking them if they were spicy (my main concern), I helped myself to one. They are actually quite tasty. I know they kind of look like an alien creature, and they are a bit difficult to eat (lots of bones/cartilage), but they are worth the trouble. Kind of taste like jerky... I brought some back to my apartment to eat and take pictures of for you people. I've had three so far.

Please excuse the ridiculous expression on my face. I figured I would put up a picture of myself to prove that it is actually me writing this blog. Unless someone else IS writing this blog and they actually kidnapped me and are force feeding me duck tongue...that would be a weird torture...
Much Love,
Stephanie/The Duck Tongue Torturer
DUCK Tongue?!? Wow, you got alot of guts, I would NEVER eat something with bones speically looking like some alien creature! Miss you!!
Well, I didn't eat the bones. You spit those out. :-)
It does look a little freaky though, huh?
Savannah, would you even try anything out of the ordinary?
Stephanie, you are a brave girl! Good for you for trying new things but beware! Remember what happened when you had congealed sheep's blood!
Ewww.... that's all I have to say is
nope I would never try anything out of the ordinary. I have no will! haha
Stephanie can be a Chinese when it comes to eating. :)
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